What is a Primary Care Network?

A health care professional like you would find on a Primary Care Network team.

A primary care network (PCN) is a group of doctors and other health professionals — such as nurses, dietitians and pharmacists — who work together as a team to provide you with quality, connected health care through a variety of services.

A PCN’s goal is to coordinate access to primary health care and health services, including specialized and long-term care, and improve overall health knowledge so people can make behaviour changes to improve their overall health.

Through your family doctor, you have access to the services and medical professionals who are part of your area’s PCN. These can include such things as workshops on anxiety, the opportunity to be seen by a health management nurse or access to counselling.

There are a number of PCNs across the province, serving millions of Albertans. While each one provides primary care services for your everyday health needs, individual PCNs offer additional programs and services designed to best meet community priorities. This flexibility to develop solutions to local health issues makes each PCN unique.

PCNs are part of Alberta’s public health care system and are funded by the provincial government. There is no cost to patients to use any of the services a PCN provides.

Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network

Calgary Foothills PCN is a group of more than 500 family doctors who serve nearly 400,000 patients in northwest Calgary and Cochrane.

Patients of our PCN member doctors have access to physician-led health teams within their clinic, as well as workshops and network-wide clinics, such as Access 365 Clinic for after-hours care. Find out more about how our teams work together as part of the wider health care system. 

Joining a PCN is optional for family doctors. To find out if your doctor is a member of a PCN, connect with them or their clinic directly or check out our directory.

Don’t have a family doctor? Find a physician through the Alberta PCNs’ albertafindadoctor.ca.

You are welcome at our PCN

Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network is a safe space for everyone. 

We welcome all ages, genders, sexualities, races, abilities, languages, religions and cultures in our locations, programs and services.